Saturday, May 3, 2008

Yahoo: I better give myself to Google than selling to Microsoft

Follow link in title or here to read more about what seems to be the end of discussions between Yahoo and Microsoft.

CNet is publishing a cool picture of Balmer and Yang's discussions: (credits: Dan Farber)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Is cloaking?

Here is the first paragraph displayed by to bots on their comment pages:

reddit is a source for what's new and popular online. vote on links that you like or dislike and help decide what's popular, or submit your own!

You can try out this search and see the results. Isn't this cloaking?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Twitbits Day#0

Natalie Norton recently authored a post entitled Blog Power: Why you should consider setting up a photoblog. This post is a follow up to that article. Here Natalie discusses 10 ways anyone can create a photoblog that will really shine! [...]

You get an idea for a post - it might start out as just a few words, a title, a point or two - but how do you take the idea and mould it into a full post? [...]

At first glance, Onaswarm is no different than many other lifestreaming services out there - Profilactic, FriendFeed, Plaxo Pulse and others. [...]

I've had and idea bouncing around in my head for awhile that randomly came together recently. And given I have a blog, I thought I'd write it down. This idea came from 3 experiences I've had - and here they are [...]

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

English: the language of the world

Inkaze u ooan dawarts plizte lus!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The "Internet Culture"

According to Tim Wu (professor at Columbia Law School) there is a Web culture called the exposure culture:

[...]the "exposure culture" reflects the philosophy of the Web, in which getting noticed is everything. Web authors link to each other, quote liberally, and sometimes annotate entire articles. E-mailing links to favorite articles and jokes has become as much a part of American work culture as the water cooler. The big sin in exposure culture is not copying, but instead, failure to properly attribute authorship. And at the center of this exposure culture is the almighty search engine.

Read the rest of the article here.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Push your limits...

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.

Lazy peeps will say: What if I will never learn how to do it? Shouldn't I stick with what I know?. Right, please don't bother!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wikipedia and the community knowledge

From The Long Tail:

What makes Wikipedia really extraordinary is that it improves over time, organically healing itself as if its huge and growing army of tenders were an immune system, ever vigilant and quick to respond to anything that threatens the organism. And like a biological system, it evolves, selecting for traits that help it stay one step ahead of the predators and pathogens in its ecosystem

Keys: organically healing itself, it evolves by staying one step ahead

The true miracle of Wikipedia is that this open system of amateur user contributions and edits doesn't simply collapse into anarchy. Instead, it has somehow self-organized the most comprehensive encyclopedia in history.

Keys: no anarchy, self-organized

Nice wording of the global brain behavior.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It is just starting

It is all just starting now... so everything is just about setting up the small bits