Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Twitbits Day#0

Natalie Norton recently authored a post entitled Blog Power: Why you should consider setting up a photoblog. This post is a follow up to that article. Here Natalie discusses 10 ways anyone can create a photoblog that will really shine! [...]

You get an idea for a post - it might start out as just a few words, a title, a point or two - but how do you take the idea and mould it into a full post? [...]

At first glance, Onaswarm is no different than many other lifestreaming services out there - Profilactic, FriendFeed, Plaxo Pulse and others. [...]

I've had and idea bouncing around in my head for awhile that randomly came together recently. And given I have a blog, I thought I'd write it down. This idea came from 3 experiences I've had - and here they are [...]

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